23rd Lancaster (Christ Church) Scout Group

Providing young people with Skills For Life for over 80 years.


Day 1 – Marvelous mechanics. Setting up the bike.

Posted by: Tom and Cherry's Tandemonium
Posted on: 4 February 2016.

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IMG-20160204-WA0003 IMG-20160204-WA0002Bike building day! We left some bits behind but the host of the hostel is great, he has ridden from Finland to here himself, gives 50% off to globe trotting cyclists and has been overseeing cherry and I putting it together – with helpful tips and even some much needed spares. Tomorrow we’re taking on the rush hour morning traffic to test it out and get to a bike shop where they can do some more advance mechanics. Having a good time, eager to get going but couldn’t be in a better place for the start of our trip.

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